Specialty Orgonite
Scroll Down to Purchase any remaining stock of Carol Croft’s Orgonite pieces.
All sales are final because Carol isn’t here to make any more.
We hope you enjoy these pieces from different times in her orgonite making journey.
The Following links will take you to Carmen’s website where you can purchase ‘true’ orgonite like how my mom and Don made.
If you are interested in purchasing orgonite products made with Carol and Don Croft’s Orgonite Recipe, please click the underlined link to visit My Healing Garden “Orgonite’.
Field Orgonite/Tower Busters, Earth Pipes, Cloud Buster, Mini Cloud Buster, Orgonite Dot (cell phones), Simple Orgonite Pendants, Orgonite Pet Charms (or Key Chains) in large and small sizes, Water Charging Coasters, WiFi Holders, and more.
Click the Underlined link My Healing Garden 108s & ‘ Pretty’ Orgonite for more decorative orgonite pieces.
Decorative Orgonite TBs, Orgonite Chakra Healing Sets, ‘Enhancing the Stone’ orgonite pyramids, Mini 108s, and more…
Click the Underlined link ‘My Healing Garden 'Intuitive Creations’ for One-of-a-kind Intuited Orgonite Pendants. Maybe a Ready Made Pendant ‘calls your name’. Or have Carmen make a pendant especially for you.
It was Carol Croft’s idea for Carmen to make Intuited Orgonite especially for one wearer because of all the requests Carol was receiving. Carol enjoyed the Intuited Orgonite Pendant Carmen gifted her and wanted others to benefit from a special one made for their needs/wants.
“I am grateful to my friend Carol Croft for helping me come up with yet another amazing way to showcase, enjoy, and help others with my talents. Carol has patiently taught me the orgonite pendant making process, and let me tell you... there are a lot more steps than I ever thought there would be to get a product out there that actually is good working orgonite, looks great, and lasts indefinitely. Not all orgonite is the same, and Carol Croft is the Master Orgonite Maker! I’m blessed to have Carol help me to ‘do my thing’ to her standards.”
The Original Orgonite Making Recipes that Don and Carol Croft used can be found HERE .
Real Orgonite does an amazing job. Unfortunately much of what is being called ‘orgonite’ today is not really true, authentic orgonite. Orgonite can be pretty, but be aware that at least half the product needs to contain metal shavings, and it needs to have quartz crystal included in it.
You can contact us if the link above don’t work and we can email you a pdf with the original orgonite Tower Buster directions.
Also if you’re interested in learning how the Grassroots Orgonite Movement started you can purchase Don Croft’s 2 books HERE.
Note: All sales are final. Sold AS IS … No refunds or exchanges. We don’t have anything to replace your orgonite with since this is the last of Carol Croft’s orgonite stock. We haven’t done anything to change any of these items. They are exactly as Carol Croft made them.
Once each product is SOLD OUT, PayPal will not let you purchase it. We will do our best to remove the ‘Add to Cart’ button as soon as possible.
We appreciate you and are very grateful to each of you. Thank you!
Tower Busters - $88.00 USD
Pendants - $116.00 USD
Mini Pendants - $88.00 USD
Palm Orgonite - $88.00 USD
Mini Palm Orgonite - $77.00 USD
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Click on and Fill out the ‘Interested in International Shipping Form’ on MyHealingGarden.net BEFORE purchasing anything if you live outside the 50 United States.
Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fees.
Descriptions of Carol Croft’s Orgonite Below.
These special TB’s (Tower Busters) have been formulated for specific purposes. The TB’s/Tower Busters weight at least 8 oz. You may notice a slight difference from online photos in the look of the orgonite you receive due to changes in available resin materials or metals being used, or the color and resolution of your computer monitor.
All Sales Are Final since Carol is not with us to make any more.
The following pieces that are for sale are quite a few years old. So they are more golden hue. Some of them are not all perfect (might have some bumps), but they are great working orgonite.
Carol used the BIG muffin tins to make these so they are quite big and weight at least 8 oz each.
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Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fees.
TB’s/Tower Busters
All the Tower Busters were made in the extra big muffin pans (not the regular muffin pans), so they are big and heavy.
Only 4 Hamsa available. You don’t get to choose which you receive.
Hamsa TB
The Hamsa is an East Indian symbol for protection. It’s also good for pregnant women to have a smooth pregnancy, and for healing and strength. This TB has Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Jade, Kyanite and Herkimer Diamond.
Only 8 of the Three Moon TB is available
Triple Moon TB (Three Moon)
The triple crescent moons symbol, also known as the Triple Moon, is a visual representation of the Triple Goddess, that takes on three forms:
The Maiden
Represented by a crescent moon on the left side of the symbol, the Maiden represents enchantment, birth, youth, and new beginnings.
The Mother
Represented by a full moon in the center of the symbol, the Mother represents fertility, sexuality, power, and stability.
The Crone
Represented by a crescent moon on the right side of the symbol, the Crone represents wisdom, death, and endings.
The Triple Moon symbol is often used as a symbol of strength and to honor the divine feminine. It was often worn by witches, sorcerers, and High Priestesses, and is now sometimes made into jewelry or tattoos.
10 of the 'No Charm TBs are available. Lots of cool stones inside.
Only 5 Fleur de Lis Tower Busters are available. The Fleur de Lis have Mary Magdalene heart energy.
Fleur de Lis TB
Carol Croft loved the Sacred Feminine, and Mary Magdalene in particular. These TBs have Mary Magdalene heart energy.
Click on and Fill out the ‘Interested in International Shipping Form’ on MyHealingGarden.net BEFORE purchasing anything if you live outside the 50 United States.
Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fees.
Orgonite Pendants
5 Hamsa Orgonite Pendants are available.
2 Small Fleur de Lis ‘Palm Orgonite’ are available. The Fleur de Lis have Mary Magdalene heart energy.
9 Hamsa Palm Orgonites are available. These either never got the hook attached to them, or the hook broke (so they might not be perfect).
Click on and Fill out the ‘Interested in International Shipping Form’ on MyHealingGarden.net BEFORE purchasing anything if you live outside the 50 United States.
Purchase price minus PayPal fees will be refunded to you if your order has a non-U.S. shipping address and you don’t pay the international shipping fees.
Descriptions of Other Orgonite Carol Croft made. None are for sale.
Harmonic Protector
The Harmonic Protector© acts as an ‘energetic mirror.’ It reinforces your body’s natural energy field (aura), while also helping you cope with energy overload and stress. The gemstones in the pendant were chosen to enhance the body’s own etheric (auric) field. Along with the titanium in the resin/metal mix the strengthened etheric field acts to shield against strong electromagnetic fields and debilitating frequencies.
The Harmonic Protector© enhances mental and emotional clarity, awareness, a sense of well-being, restful sleep and dream clarity, though of course these are all effects of healing and strengthening the etheric field.
Mary Magdalene HP
The Mary Magdelene Harmonic Protector© is formulated with a special mix of stones that open you up to the new frequencies that are emerging on the planet. More heart-related than the traditional HP, the MM HP opens the heart more. It’s different in that it works solely on heart level, and with unconditional love issues, where the traditional HP is very broad protection. This is the next level of spiritual development.
Crystal Harmonizer
The Crystal Harmonizer, or as my husband, Don, calls them: “St. Buster’s Button”, is a therapeutic device for use on the body. The Crystal Harmonizer can clear the chakras in a matter of minutes. They will also clear any energy blockages in the body. If you have aches or pains, put the Crystal Harmonizer on the area, base down against the skin, after 10-20 minutes the pain should subside.
These devices have an elaborate coil of copper wire strung with different gemstones for each of the Chakras/Energy Centers of the body. This coil is then suspended in a matrix of copper, titanium, and resin creating the Orgone/Chi/Life Force. At the base, is a north facing neodymium magnet. These are wonderful tools for personal use or for use in your practice.
Orgone Pyramid
The Orgone Pyramid is a wonderful device! I designed these mainly for the home or office. It will absorb all negative, unbalanced energy that may come into your space — transforming it into positive, balanced energy. For instance, if someone were to come into your home who is extremely distraught, you could sit them down next to the Orgone Pyramid or hand it to them to hold, don’t tell them what it is, simply ask them to hold it. Then watch, you will be able to see their distress and anxiety melt away.
For energy workers and massage therapists, the Orgone Pyramid can be a wonderful addition to your bodywork area. Simply place it under the client (chair or massage table) and you’ll notice that they will respond more effectively to your treatments.
For parents, if your child is prone to nightmares, place the Orgone Pyramid on a bedside table or underneath the bed … and the nightmares will end.
Each Orgone Pyramid has a Lemurian Seed Crystal in the point with a clockwise coil and several positive gemstones. At the base, the Orgone Pyramid has 4 additional crystals which point in each direction.
Moon & Sun TB
This TB is made with pink tourmaline, rose quartz, moonstone, lapis, and amber. It helps with the balance of the masculine and feminine.